10 Tips For Winterizing Your Mountain Home
updated  11/7/2022

How To Prepare Your Property for Winter in Summit County

Living at high altitude means you get to enjoy some of the best winter perks Colorado has to offer, but it also means your home is subject to more intense weather conditions. Winter comes fast and early in Breckenridge and Summit County, so it’s important to prepare your home now to ensure it will endure the intense conditions that come with living in the mountains.
While you may know the basic measures to help prevent frozen pipes, we’ve compiled a list of winterization tips that we hope you’ll find helpful whether your mountain property is your primary residence or second home.

Below is a list of must do maintenance tasks to help protect your mountain home from the harsher elements we experience here in Summit County:

1. Disconnect outside hoses. Drain your hoses and irrigation systems. Though you may have a “freeze proof” spigot, it’s a good idea to cover your exterior spigots with insulated covers. Covers can be purchased at the hardware store.

2. Caulk and maintain weather stripping. Any leaks in windows or doorways that are allowing airflow or moisture should be sealed to keep your home airtight. This will also help with your energy bill this winter.

3. Insulate water lines. Put rubber insulation around hot and cold-water pipes. Rubber insulation can be purchased at the hardware store. This will also help with your energy bill this winter.

4. Maintain heating units. Replace furnace filters, open and clear vents and make sure your heating appliances are serviced and ready for winter.

5. Repair roofs. Check your roof for missing shingles or damage and repair as necessary to avoid future leaks.

6. Maintain chimneys and stovepipes. Have your chimney cleaned regularly. Owning a high-quality chimney cap is encouraged.

7. Close foundation vents heading into the winter and open them late spring when the warmer weather returns.

8. Prepare for snow removal. Have shovels, snow blower ready or contract for removal.

9. Check batteries. Replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide protectors.

10. Vacation check list. If you plan to be away from your home for an extended amount of time.
      a) Turn off main water supply.
      b) Open faucets and flush toilets.
      c) Set thermostat to 50 degrees or more.

Make sure you bookmark this page to refer to as you’re preparing your home for winter.
Renting your property out this winter? Check out our blog Winter Like a Local in Breckenridge, it’s a great resource to share with your guests.

Cheers to a great winter season ahead!

Posted by Breckenridge Associates Real Estate on


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